We kicked off our summer break with VBS at church. It was a week of fun with kids, water play, and lots of good Bible instruction for little ones in the community. We did things a little differently this year but the kids didn't seem to mind the changes. Groups were smaller and of mixed ages. The kids enjoyed spending the week praising God and reading from His Word. My kids are still rocking out to the songs!

The next couple of weeks have been busy with swimming and birthday celebrations. Our Sweet Leilani turned 9 and my Grandma turned 92! We had a swim meet on Leilani's birthday, so she had fun passing out cupcakes to her friends and celebrating with her swim team. On June 30th, we went to visit my grandma Betty in her nursing home. She has difficulty getting around since her stroke, but enjoys visits from her grandchildren and great grandchildren. We were glad to see her in good spirits and are thankful to celebrate God's gift of life!

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