If there's anyone still there, reading this blog, I appreciate your patience! I haven't posted since September, so let me give you a brief update on what's been going on these last few months. September 19th, Ron and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. I'm so thankful God chose him to be my husband! How blessed I am! In October, I spent my birthday with my family, as well as the sad occasion of laying my dear aunt Patty to rest. She was my mom's youngest sister and is missed by us all. In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my sister's family, my brother, and father. My brother moved to a place just around the corner, and Braden discovered he preferred sharing a room to having one of his own. In December, we celebrated our Savior's birth together, and mourned the death of Ron's Grandma. Melanie turned 10 and Ron turned 40! We spent his birthday at our kids' final fall swim meet! It was such a fun meet! The children tried especially hard at this meet because each heat winner earned a tiger tail to put on their swim bags. They all achieved their best times in each event they swam. January has been a time of staying close to home. This fatastic weather draws us out doors to ride bikes, skate, or play at our neighborhood park. We are just finishing our fall semester in school, which for me has meant marking report cards and finishing up my spring semester plan to turn in to our CT. In this time God has been teaching us to trust in His unfailing live for us. Times are tough, but He meets our needs. We are learning how much we can do without. We have what we need because we have Him. I am thankful that these trials are temporary and soon we'll reside in our permanent home and live as the Bride of our King! My grandma is now in Hospice care. They will try to keep her comfortable until her time her is complete. Please continue to pray for her. Thank you, dear friends!
Monday, January 24, 2011
What we've been up to
If there's anyone still there, reading this blog, I appreciate your patience! I haven't posted since September, so let me give you a brief update on what's been going on these last few months. September 19th, Ron and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. I'm so thankful God chose him to be my husband! How blessed I am! In October, I spent my birthday with my family, as well as the sad occasion of laying my dear aunt Patty to rest. She was my mom's youngest sister and is missed by us all. In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my sister's family, my brother, and father. My brother moved to a place just around the corner, and Braden discovered he preferred sharing a room to having one of his own. In December, we celebrated our Savior's birth together, and mourned the death of Ron's Grandma. Melanie turned 10 and Ron turned 40! We spent his birthday at our kids' final fall swim meet! It was such a fun meet! The children tried especially hard at this meet because each heat winner earned a tiger tail to put on their swim bags. They all achieved their best times in each event they swam. January has been a time of staying close to home. This fatastic weather draws us out doors to ride bikes, skate, or play at our neighborhood park. We are just finishing our fall semester in school, which for me has meant marking report cards and finishing up my spring semester plan to turn in to our CT. In this time God has been teaching us to trust in His unfailing live for us. Times are tough, but He meets our needs. We are learning how much we can do without. We have what we need because we have Him. I am thankful that these trials are temporary and soon we'll reside in our permanent home and live as the Bride of our King! My grandma is now in Hospice care. They will try to keep her comfortable until her time her is complete. Please continue to pray for her. Thank you, dear friends!
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I read your blog!! I have you in my feed reader, so I see right when you update :)
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma :( And it sounds like you lost 2 others as well. Death is so very hard.
Sounds like you guys have been busy though and doing well, considering. Hopefully we'll get to see you next time we're in CA! Are you still going to Calvary?
I think it was hard to start posting because all of these events each deserved a post of their own, and I just didn't feel like doing it, but once I hadn't posted, I didn't feel like I could post about other things either. Funny. Yes, we are still at Calvary, and happy to be there! Yes, I'd say we are doing well. I'm truly thankful for each day I have with my loved ones, because I never know how many there will be. But right at this time I know that I've been blessed beyond measure. I'm learning to live with open hands. The Lord gives and the Lords takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Hope to see you when you come to visit!
I'm so glad! I think we'll be there in May and June, so hopefully we can see you guys. I cannot get over how big your kids are getting!
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