This morning in school Melanie had to take a little field trip to the park to make some observations. She was supposed to make two lists. One for all the kind behavior she observed and one for all the unkind behavior she observed. Then she had to come back home, compare the lists and write what she learned about her own behavior from observing other kids' playtime actions. Melanie's still working on writing her report, but I'll tell you what I was thinking:
Psalm 130:3-4
3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.
I was thinking how God watches all we do and must be grieved to see those He paid for, living as though he hadn't bought us at the cost of His son. But as my thoughts continued, I knew that it pleased Him to crush His son, to satisfy His justice and show us mercy.
Isaiah 53:10
10 Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him;
he has put him to grief; [1]
when his soul makes [2] an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
Joel 2:13
Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.
I am so grateful that God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. I am so grateful that I do not have to stand before His judgement with my own life as my defense. I have Christ's in place of my own, and because of Him, I can stand.
I am thankful for this post. Thank you for sharing your heart. It is an excellent reminder to me. ♥ It was so good to see you. I really miss you, your family, and fellowship time with you!!!!!
I love the picture the picture, it makes me want to be their...I really would like to be their when I think of past memories of us meeting at the park and the last minute potty runs :(....Thank you for sharing your heart, the thoughts and scripture you shared encouraged my heart. Love you!!!
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