My dear little girl is eight today! What a fun day it was, too! We started the day with VBS with all your friends from church. We sang songs, learned from God's Word, painted crosses, ate yummy snacks, played games (and got all wet). We had lunch and cupcakes, then we took you to the movies! It was a full day of celebration! We played at an indoor playground until it was time to go to the VBS finale tonight. You and the rest of the kids sang your VBS songs and shared with the families what you've been doing all week. You learned some important truths about God's Word from Psalm 119. I'm so glad to see you growing in tenderness toward God and maturing in your faith. You are a precious, tenderhearted, compassionate child, full of spunk and energy! You love to laugh and be silly! You give your all in everything you do both in work and play. I'm so thankful that God has blessed our family with your precious life, and I'm thankful for these eight years we've had to know and love our sweet Leilani!