There are many household tasks that the children shrink from helping, but decorating for Christmas is not one of them. What a precious time it is to spend working together as a family, in celebration of Christ's life and birth!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Eager Helpers
There are many household tasks that the children shrink from helping, but decorating for Christmas is not one of them. What a precious time it is to spend working together as a family, in celebration of Christ's life and birth!
Isaiah 55:10-11
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
God never fails at what He does. He is gathering a people for Himself: His church, His beloved Bride. I feel so inadequate when sharing the gospel with those unbelievers around me and then I remember. His word is powerful to do more than we can comprehend. It is His work to change the heart of the unbeliever. It is His work to change me. What a beautiful gift His Word is!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Emily and the tree
Isaiah 55:6-7
“Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near;
let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."
He will abundantly pardon!
What amazing, good news!
His mercy still stuns me!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Psalm 111
Great Are the Lord's Works
111:1 Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
He provides food for those who fear him;
he remembers his covenant forever.
He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy;
they are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thankful to God

Have you ever had those days, when you just seem to be sucked into self-pity? I remind myself of all I have to be thankful for, that no matter how bad things get, I've got it better than I deserve...and then the onslaught begins. How is it that I can one moment be worshiping Christ for all He's done for me, and the next be grumbling about messes and rebellion? I am so quick to forget! This life here is short! What we've been called to do is live like He's coming back any minute, because He is! We don't know how many minutes we have, but we know He's coming back. We are in the last days. If I lived like I knew this, would it matter if I had enough sleep the night before or left behind a clean house? I'm on my way to eternity with my Lord! I read a blog today that said," believers, on the worst days of our lives, have more to be thankful for than the richest lost soul has on the very best day of his life." Something to think about.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Broken Buckets
God has given me the awesome task of raising these little ones to know and love Him. This doesn't seem so hard intellectually. I love my job and I love my God. There's so much to love about this awesome Creator, Savior, Father, Friend. But man-oh-man, the execution of this task is so much harder than it seems it would be. I am a sinner, and my children are too. And though we want to do what is right in God's eyes, so often we don't. God uses broken, leaky vessels to display His glory. What a wonder! I read this prayer today, and it says so well what I cannot find words to say. It is titled: Paradoxes, from the Valley of Vision.
O Changeless God, Under the conviction of thy Spirit I learn that
the more I do, the worse I am,
the more I know, the less I know,
the more holiness I have, the more sinful I am,
the more I love, the more there is to love.
O wretched man that I am!
O Lord,
I have a wild heart,
and cannot stand before thee;
I am like a bird before a man.
How little I love thy truth and ways!
I neglect prayer,
by thinking I have prayed enough and earnestly,
by knowing thou hast saved my soul.
Of all hypocrites, grant that I may not be
an evangelical hypocrite,
who sins more safely because grace abounds,
who tells his lusts that Christ's blood
cleanseth them,
who reasons that God cannot cast them into hell,
for he is saved,
who loves evangelical preaching, churches,
Christians, but lives unholily.
My mind is a bucket without a bottom,
with no mind for spiritual understanding,
no desire for the Lord's Day,
ever learning but never reaching the truth,
always at the gospel well, but never holding water.
My conscience is without conviction or contrition,
with nothing to repent of.
My will is without power of decision or resolution.
My heart is without affection, and full of leaks.
My memory has no retention,
so I forget easily the lessons learned,
and thy truths seep away.
God give me a broken heart that yet carries home
the water of grace.
~Paradoxes, The Valley of Vision
Sunday, November 8, 2009
November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009
For those who haven't seen us in a while...

These are our four little ones. Braden is four, Leilani is seven, Melanie is eight and Emily is five months in the picture. She's eight months now, but this is the most recent picture I have of them all together. This just reminds me that I should be taking more pictures! They grow up so fast! I am so thankful that God has blessed our family with these precious children to nurture and love. What an honor and weighty responsibility it is to be their teacher, and what a joy!